This week was a week when I had severe insomnia at midnight. In addition to the busy rehearsal and teaching, this week was also the day of the school music competition. Only after the first round of the competition can enter the finals. It may be simple for others, but a big challenge for me. In addition to having to put on high heels and stand on the stage to perform for more than half an hour, the body also needs to have enough strength to overcome the tension and complete the performance. Since the injury, I haven't been on stage for a long time. I have a lot of doubts and worries about myself. Can I really do it? I couldn't sleep at night when I thought about this and my heart beat so fast. Finally, I even took sleeping pills to help me fall asleep... When my roommate saw that I was so worried, he sent me this song, telling me: Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Because this song calmed my heart and turned to God.
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God's love.